"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7


Towards God’s Work at Briarwood

Unless you specify otherwise, all giving is recorded and then a year-end report is produced for each giver for tax purposes. All donations can be general or restricted for a particular purpose, event or need.

Envelope Service

Personalized envelopes are available for tithes and offerings. Just put your offering in the envelope and drop it in the offering plates during our worship service or drop it off at the office any time. Contact the office if you would like to have envelopes and have not received them.

Online Giving

We now have the ability to accept offerings online.   You can give anonymously or you can sign up and give on a schedule.  Please click the button below to donate online.

Creative Giving

Another way you can donate is through gifts of stocks or other properties. The donation carries full value to the church but the donor does not have to pay capital gains tax on the increased value. You can also support future ministries through planned giving from your estate. You should talk to a CPA or tax lawyer to see how these types of donations might work in your circumstance. Contact the church office to explore other creative giving options.

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